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A Root Canal Can Save Your Smile
Root canals are like fillings that extend into the nerve chamber of your tooth, sealing it off. They’re needed when the pulp tissues inside of your tooth are damaged or infected, causing an abscess or dying tooth.

You might need a root canal if you notice symptoms of:
- Tooth Discoloration
- Swelling Or A Pimple Along Your Gums
- Sensitivity Or Pain
What Happens During A Root Canal?
When you visit our Airdrie dentists for endodontic treatment, we will first make sure the area around your tooth is fully numb. Next, the damaged tooth structure is removed so that the pulp chamber can be accessed. After removing the diseased nerve tissues, we medicate the inner chamber and seal it off with a filling material.
Once a tooth has been treated endodontically, it is no longer alive. You’ll need to have a permanent crown made to go over your tooth, protecting its integrity and continued function.
Do Root Canals Hurt?
Most of the pain associated with a root canal is due to the swelling inside of your tooth. As long as we treat the tooth before the infection becomes severe, it should not be painful. In some cases, we may also recommend an antibiotic to lessen the swelling prior to your procedure.
If you feel nervous about seeing a dentist or an endodontist about a root canal, ask about our convenient sedation dental appointments. Each of our Airdrie root canal dentists is trained and experienced to provide in-office dental sedation for your comfort and safety.
Airdrie Springs Dental Is Open Late And On Saturdays
Don’t put your tooth pain off; it won’t go away on its own. It may even cost you your smile! Book a consultation today with one of our Airdrie dentists to find out if a root canal is in your future. Call now to get Root canal therapy in Airdrie Springs Dental.

Welcome To Our Dental Family
Airdrie Springs Dental is accepting new patients of all ages. Call today to schedule an appointment. We offer a full suite of services, including breathtaking, customized smile makeovers. Dental emergency appointment also available at Airdrie Spring Dental.