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Are You Looking For Specialty Dental Services In Airdrie?
If you live in Airdrie or the surrounding area, Airdrie Springs Dental is the dentist for you. We might be a small-town dentist in Airdrie, but we offer plenty of professional dental services for you and your family!

Sleep Apnea
At Airdrie Springs Dental, we can work with patients who are CPAP intolerant to find a way to enhance their quality of sleep.

Most people know how effective Botox and other dermal fillers can be for lessening the appearance of crow’s feet or frown lines, but they can also help relax muscle tension.

Dental Implants
Dental implants are a long-lasting alternative for replacing missing teeth. In the past, tooth loss often meant getting dentures or a dental bridge.

Signs You May Be a Candidate for a Sleep Apnea Dental Appliance
If your breathing pauses periodically while you sleep, you likely have sleep apnea. When this happens your blood’s oxygen level decreases drastically and your brain wakes you up and tells you to breathe. Sleep is disrupted throughout the night by sleep apnea, which is made obvious when you snore or wake up with a headache, sleepiness, or irritability.
Continuous airway pressure therapy (CPAP), which uses a pump appliance to deliver pressurized air through a mask while you sleep, is a common treatment option. While CPAP is efficient, not everyone finds it to be a comfortable alternative. The other choice is to use specialized sleep apnea dental appliances that assist in clearing your airway as you sleep.
Are You a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?
A person in good general and oral health is the ideal candidate for a dental implant. Ideal candidates have healthy gum tissues free of periodontal disease and have enough jaw bone to sustain a dental implant. Dental implants are joined to the underlying bone and gum tissues to support an artificial crown.

Why Choose Airdrie Springs Dental?
Airdrie Springs Dental specializes in a wide range of treatments including all kinds of dentistry. We have modern dental hygienist chairs and state-of-the-art facilities.
Our specialty services are one of the many dental services we offer to our patients. If you’re looking for a new dentist in Airdrie, you’ve come to the right place! We look forward to serving you and your family. Call us to book a dental appointment today!
- Dental implants function similarly to healthy teeth – The ability to fully chew again is one of an implant’s main benefits. Most patients are unable to distinguish between their implant and their natural teeth. They are able to clean their teeth and floss properly and they can eat normally.
- Dental implants have a long lifespan – Dental implants can last a lifetime, as opposed to a dental bridge, which might only last 10 years or so. The titanium implant fuses with the jawbone and is made from titanium. It is biocompatible, which means that it won’t harm the body and won’t be rejected by it. Overall, it creates a strong substitute replacement tooth.
- Dental implants stop bone resorption – Lack of stimulation causes the jaw bone where there is no tooth to degenerate. Without an implant, the bone surrounding the missing tooth loses 25% of its volume in the first year after tooth loss, and the bone loss continues over time.
- Dental implants maintain the stability of neighboring teeth – A lost tooth will leave a gap, which can lead to the crooked movement of nearby teeth in that direction. This causes your teeth to shift out of place and may have an impact on your bite, chewing function, and appearance. TMJ (temporomandibular joint) may develop problems as a result of a bad bite, which could cause pain and headaches.
Dental implants can cost you between $3000 and $5000. Many insurance companies consider dental implants purely cosmetic, not medically necessary, and will not cover them.
Dental implants, as opposed to dentures or a bridge, are long-lasting fixtures in your mouth that are made to last a lifetime. Dental implants have a success rate of up to 98%.
The implant screw itself can last a lifetime with good cleaning and flossing, provided the patient sees a dentist regularly every six months. However, the crown typically has to be replaced after 10 to 15 years due to wear and tear.
Among the illnesses that may raise the risk of obstructive sleep apnea are congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. Risk factors include having polycystic ovarian syndrome, hormonal issues, a history of stroke, and persistent lung conditions including asthma.
It can be challenging to distinguish between obstructive and central sleep apneas since their symptoms sometimes overlap. Obstructive and central sleep apnea symptoms most frequently reported include
- Loud snoring
- Episodes in which you stop breathing during sleep — reported by another person
- Gasping for air during sleep
- Waking with a dry mouth
- Morning headache
- Difficulty staying asleep, known as insomnia
- Excessive daytime sleepiness, known as hypersomnia
- Difficulty paying attention while awake
- Irritability
The most popular form of treatment for sleep apnea is a breathing apparatus like a CPAP machine. A CPAP machine keeps your airway open by maintaining continuous air pressure in your throat. Breathing apparatuses function best when paired with a healthy lifestyle.
In dentistry, botox procedures are most frequently utilized to improve facial appearance. For those who have trouble adjusting to new dentures, it’s a minimally invasive method to cure high lip lines and lip augmentation.
Botox treatments in dentistry are most commonly used to help repair facial aesthetics. It is a minimally invasive treatment for people who have difficulty adjusting to new dentures, as well as lip augmentation.
Injections of Botox are generally safe when done by a qualified medical professional. The injection site may experience pain, edema, or bruising as potential side effects or problems.
Botox typically lasts 3 to 4 months. There will undoubtedly be some patients in whom it lasts longer, between 4-6 months, or shorter, between 2 months. First-timers frequently observe that it may not last as long during the first treatment but may last longer following a second treatment.