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Invisalign braces Airdrie Alberta

8 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Invisalign

If you’re going to invest in dental work, Invisalign braces might be a great option for you. There are many benefits like the fact that it’s much easier and less expensive than tooth extractions or other complicated procedures. However, not everyone knows what is involved. Here are 8 top tips to make your time wearing Invisalign braces go smoother for your teeth and your wallet.

8 Tips for How to Get the Most out of Invisalign

Invisalign is a great way to correct your teeth instead of traditional braces. It is a removable dental treatment that uses clear plastic aligners to help you get the most out of your smile. This results in an improved smile and better oral health overall.

To get the most out of your Invisalign treatment, make sure to follow these tips:

1. Wear Your aligners for a minimum of 22 Hours per Day

According to the American Dental Association, wearing Invisalign for a minimum of 22 hours per day is the best way to achieve optimal results. 

The benefits of wearing your aligners for the full 22 hours per day include:

  • Better treatment results
  • The reduced likelihood of complications
  • Increased longevity of the Invisalign treatment

2. Clean your Invisalign aligners

One of the most important tips for getting the most out of Invisalign is to keep your aligners clean. This will help to ensure that the treatment goes as smoothly as possible.

To clean your aligners, use a mild soap and water solution. Make sure to rinse them off thoroughly before putting them back in your mouth. If you experience any difficulty cleaning your aligners, take them to a dentist or orthodontist for further assistance.

3. Take care of your diet

If you want to keep your teeth in good health, maintaining a balanced diet is one of the most important things you can do. This involves avoiding foods that are heavy in sugar as well as foods that are high in acid. 

Hydration is a major factor affecting dental health. Ensure that your body is well-hydrated and maintain your body’s pH.

4. Put in new aligners at night

When using Invisalign, it is important to replace any old aligners with brand-new ones before bed. This will help keep your teeth moving in the right direction and will reduce the amount of stress on your teeth throughout the day. If you wear your new aligners while you sleep, this will also assist in maintaining the correct positioning of your teeth. 

5. Keep your teeth clean

Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential if you want to get the most out of your Invisalign treatment. You ought to brush and floss your teeth daily and refrain from consuming foods that are high in sugar, salt, and other factors that are known to cause tooth decay.

It’s a good idea to also visit our dentist regularly for check-ups. We can check how well your treatment is working and advise you on any changes or adjustments that may be necessary. 

6. Use whitening toothpaste

If you are interested in getting the most out of Invisalign, you should also use whitening toothpaste. Whitening toothpaste is a great way to remove stains from your teeth and make them look their best. You can use it to improve the appearance of your smile.

To get the best results from whitening toothpaste, you should brush your teeth for two minutes every time. Just be sure to rinse your mouth and teeth thoroughly after using it.

7. Use a retainer after Invisalign treatment

One of the most important things to remember after having used Invisalign braces is to use a retainer.

A retainer is a small metal device that helps keep your teeth in their right position after the treatment. This device can make a significant difference in the way your teeth look and feel after Invisalign. By using a retainer, you can avoid pain or discomfort from changes in alignment and you will be able to get the most long-term benefit out of your Invisalign treatment.

8. Use Invisalign chewies

If you are new to Invisalign, it can be tough to know where to start. One of the best ways to get started is by using Invisalign chewies. These small, soft pellets can be put in your mouth one at a time as you wear Invisalign. They will help you learn how to adjust your Invisalign properly and also help with maintaining your alignment during the treatment process.

Book Invisalign consultation today with Airdrie Springs Dental

Invisalign is a popular dental treatment that uses clear braces to straighten teeth. The braces are custom-fitted to each individual’s teeth and can easily be removed whenever necessary.

Invisalign can take time to yield the full benefits, but the results are worth it! If you want to know how to get the most out of Invisalign, you can book an appointment with Airdrie Springs Dental today. Our team can explain the process and give you tips on how to achieve the best possible results. We also offer a wide range of financing options so that you can get your treatment without having to worry about paying all at once.

Keep in mind that you should make routine visits to the dentist in Airdrie to monitor the progress of your treatment and receive new aligners. If you notice any changes or problems, you should bring them up with your dentist as soon as possible.

If Invisalign seems like it’s worth looking into, reach out to us today and start your journey to a more beautiful smile; don’t wait! Schedule an appointment online today or call our Invisalign dentist in Airdrie @ (403) 948-3575 for all your teeth straightening requirements.